Thursday 10 November 2011

IDOP 2011 - International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Well, dear friends, it's true. I've been away from blogging for a while. I've been pretty busy with university assignments and exam preparations....whew! quite hectic! But the Lord is always good and very faithful. His mercies endure forever. Praise the Lord! Well, I hope to get back to it as soon as possible. I'm still thinking about what to share next:)

However, tonight I'd just like to encourage you all to join in this year's IDOP (from 6th - 13th of November). Whether in Church, or with family and friends, or just alone in our time with the Lord. Let's remember our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering persecution and hardship. Pray that the Lord would be with them and strengthen them in their tribulations and deliver them from evil. Pray that those who are in prisons would be released. Pray that the Lord would provide all their needs. Pray that they would be given courage to witness to the Lord in these very hostile places. Pray that the Lord would provide them with His precious Word. 

Prayer Changes Things! 
'Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.'  Hebrews 13:3


Anonymous said...

This is a very good reminder, Sarah. We so often forget to pray for those who are suffering.

May Jesus turn everyday into and Day of Prayer for those in need.

with love;

Sarah C. said...

Amen, April! Praying for our brothers and sisters around the world, especially for those in need, creates an amazing feeling of onesss - of really being one body in Christ.


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