Thursday, 18 August 2011

Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me

Here is a beautiful Hymn by Edward Hooper (1818-1888) that tells of God's Sovereign care and guidance of His children. Be Blessed!

Ship tossed by the tempestuous waves, but guided by the
light breaking through the dark ominous clouds.

  1. Jesus, Saviour, pilot me
    Over life’s tempestuous sea;
    Unknown waves before me roll,
    Hiding rock and treacherous shoal.
    Chart and compass come from Thee;
    Jesus, Savior, pilot me.

    While th’Apostles’ fragile bark
    Struggled with the billows dark,
    On the stormy Galilee,
    Thou didst walk upon the sea;
    And when they beheld Thy form,
    Safe they glided through the storm.

    Though the sea be smooth and bright,
    Sparkling with the stars of night,
    And my ship’s path be ablaze
    With the light of halcyon days,
    Still I know my need of Thee;
    Jesus, Saviour, pilot me.

    When the darkling heavens frown,
    And the wrathful winds come down,
    And the fierce waves, tossed on high,
    Lash themselves against the sky,
    Jesus, Saviour, pilot me,
    Over life’s tempestuous sea.

    As a mother stills her child,
    Thou canst hush the ocean wild;
    Boisterous waves obey Thy will,
    When Thou sayest to them, “Be still!”
    Wondrous Sovereign of the sea,
    Jesus, Saviour, pilot me.

    When at last I near the shore,
    And the fearful breakers roar
    ’Twixt me and the peaceful rest,
    Then, while leaning on Thy breast,
    May I hear Thee say to me,
    “Fear not, I will pilot thee.”

    Edward Hooper, 1871

    Hear it, too, right here:

    God Bless,

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Still Dews of Quietness

I found this little poem by John Greenleaf Whittier in Elizabeth Elliot's book Let Me Be A Woman (p. 43) (which is a great book - By the way!). It says:

Drop Thy still dews of quietness 
Till all our strivings cease. 
                     Take from our souls the strain and stress, 
And let our ordered life confess 
The beauty of Thy peace. 

J. G. Whittier 

Everyday, in a world so noisy around us, I realise how much I need the Lord to quiet me with His love and peace - to remove the strain and stress from my soul. May this poem/prayer be ours daily. 

God Bless,

Screens and Reels - My New Blog!

Hello Everyone!
It's been a while since I've added anything new on this blog...well, I've been busy. However, I started a new blog specifically dedicating it to share my favourite movies. I thought it would be easier with individual posts instead of continuous additions to one page. Click on the title of this post to go to the blog!

May God Bless you all.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

A Lovely Old Poem

Well, I haven't added much here lately...have been quite busy. However, I came across this poem in an old, old family devotional book by an anonymous writer...very simple, but very profound. Also, the poem forms a special shape...can you see it? It's the story of the cross. Be Blessed!

Blest they who seek
While in their youth, 
With spirit meek, 
The way of Truth. 
To them the Sacred Scriptures now display 
Christ as the only true and living way; 
His precious blood on Calvary was given
To make them heirs of bliss in heaven. 
An e'en on earth the child of God can trace
The blessings of his Saviour's grace. 
For them He bore
His Father's frown; 
For them He wore
The thorny crown; 
Nailed to the cross, 
endured its pain,
That His life's loss 
Might be their gain. 
Then haste to choose 
That better part,
Nor e'en refuse 
The Lord thy heart, 
Lest He declare, 
"I know you not,"
And deep despair
Should be your lot. 
Now look to Jesus, who on Calvary died
And trust on Him who there was crucified! 


Taken from Bible Readings for the Home Circle, volume 1, Warburton, Vic, Australia: Signs Publishing Company, p. 147 (year unknown...but obviously very old...most likely in the late 1800s). 

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